

  • MotherOfPoodles

    Hi BKMD. My name is Andrea - on the forum I am Mother Of Poodles. I always read your posts and thank you for chronicling your experiences. That India one was a huge help to me! I was just PMing "British" about Morocco and Patagonia (she is going to Morocco soon - we went a couple of years ago with Tauck; and she was just posting photos of Patagonia - we are going with Tauck next week). They are ELderTrek tours for her. She told me about them a few months ago and we have since booked 2 - Turkey in Sept 2025 and Malta/Sicily 2026. She said you may be going to Sicily then as well. Fun. Small world. Only so many tour companies.... BTW - I know you are a doc. What kind? I am a retired pathologist. I did predominantly cytopathology at NIH for years (glad I am no longer a government employee) , and then I did dermatopathology in private practice.
    Just wanted to give you a shout out.

    February 5