

  • Forum Search

    I've been investigating the forum search function. First, if you type a search term (or multiple terms separated by commas) in the "search" window box in the upper right corner of the forum… (View Post)
  • Re: Which and when Italy

    The history and evidence don't quite support your analysis. In the case of Egypt, so far the evidence points to mostly paid workers building the pyramids, not slaves, or forced labor. Civilizations b… (View Post)
  • Re: Which and when Italy

    We stopped for photos and narrative, but didn't have time to go in during our Segway tour. Basilica Di St Croce has some really famous folks hanging around (interred.) When we were there they were se… (View Post)
  • Re: Which and when Italy

    DriverinItaly is actually based in Rome where they have offices and tour managers, but they use (licensed) contract guides and drivers throughout Italy and used to and may still be able to arrange fo… (View Post)
  • Re: Which and when Italy

    I second what Fran said. We used DriverinItaly for three excursions in 2016. The person who originally ran it (Roberto Melaragno) tried to do so after he got married and moved to the US- it didn't wo… (View Post)