Waterproof camera bag is necessity

January 2025: One zodiac ride experienced strong winds once out on the water. We were called back to ship but ship had to reposition to safely reboard us. That took awhile and we bounced along following ship. It was an adventure, no one felt unsafe, we have a story to tell! One group sang "yellow submarine"! Salt water waves crashing over us were greeted with laughter and enthusiastic shouts. We were drenched but waterproof parkas and pants did their job admirably. Cameras not placed into waterproof cases or tucked down into parkas were irreparably damaged. Speaking with 3 photogs who lost their gear, they did not let it diminish their spirits. This is a phenomenal experience and if you're debating, just GO!


  • edited February 14

    They make dry bags for cameras, but a large plastic zip close bag will also work. The photographers always want to be in the front of the zodiacs but that's where the most spray is.

    Many of the newer mirrorless cameras and lenses are waterproof. Not if you dropped them in the ocean, but they will resist water spray and rain. You can wipe off the salt afterwards with a wet cloth.

    In general, don't try to change lenses in the zodiac. If you have to, keep the camera pointed down to minimize stuff getting on the imager. You're mainly going to be shooting telephoto so a telephoto zoom is the way to go. Most newer cameras will also do a digital zoom of maybe 1.4x and 2x. The digital zooms on the newer cameras do a pretty good job.

  • You are making me want to go back. But, we had the perfect trip, and the icebergs don’t change. Africa is always different, but I think one wonderful trip to Antarctica is probably enough … and I have been to BA many times.

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