halifax and pei

shall we convert money or can we use dollars


  • Hello dans1733,

    For the best exchange rates, we suggest using ATMs, which are easily available throughout Canada, or major credit cards. Although it is not necessary for you to exchange money prior to your arrival in Canada, it may be useful to have a small amount of local currency with you when you arrive in Halifax. If upon arrival you require local currency you can visit the currency exchange facility at the airport, use and ATM, or exchange currency at your

    Please note that your hotel is unable to exchange large amounts of currency.

    Hope this helps, you're going to have a great time.

  • We flew into the Halifax airport last month. I didn't bring any cash. There are several easy to find ATMs on the main level of the airport which is where you enter upon your arrival.
  • Canada has her own currency. I'm sure Canadians would appreciate you using their money, rather than trying to use a foreign currency.
  • jdurkin wrote:
    Canada has her own currency. I'm sure Canadians would appreciate you using their money, rather than trying to use a foreign currency.

    I agree 100% !!

    Besides regardless of wherever you travel you do not get the best exchange rate by using your currency.
    I also would recommend waiting to use an ATM in the city rather than at an airport. Usually airport ATM's also have a worse exchange rate than an ATM associated to a bank.

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