TOP Places to Visit in Spain
Hello everyone!
Are you considering visiting Spain anywhere soon? If the question is yes and you would like to know the best places of this wonderful country visiting which you will surely enjoy, keep on reading!
It may be very difficult to find the best place for tourism in any city or country when searching yourself, especially if you don't know a lot about the country. But don't worry, precisely for this reason I have created this post - to share with you my experiences in different places of Spain, and inform you of them.
In my opinion, these are the places that you must visit if traveling to Spain:
The real palace of Madrid is the official residence of the Spanish king, although it is only used for celebrating special ceremonies of the state. The palace is partially open to the visitors almost always, and thus it is a great place to visit both when traveling with friends and family.
The king Juan Carlos and the real family do not really live in this palace, but in a more modest one located in Zarzuela, on the countryside of Madrid.
Real Palace has been build between 1738 and 1755, and the Carlos III king that was shortly after his death claimed to be the best Mayor of Madrid lived in it.
The inside of the palace stands out due to it's artistic wealth, both in reference to the noble materials used in the building of it and to the decorations of it's salons with art creations of all kind including paintings of such important artists as Caravaggio, Velázquez and Goya. Other important and outstanding collections that have been conserved within the building are the Real Armery – an exposition of different weapons and armors-, Porcelain, Furniture and Silver Crafts.
4) Ronda
Ronda is located in the countryside of Malaga, 100km West from it, to be exact. It's population is of 35000 people. This small village is located on a huge cliff and has a great bridge that crosses the gorge located between old Ronda and new Ronda. It is an extremely beautiful place to visit, as apart from this huge bridge it also has an antique bull-ring and roman baths.
3) Figueres

This museum of the famous Salvador Dalí artist located in the village of his birth, Figueres, will indubitably surprise you. It is a very beautiful place to visit, and has both an important historical and artistic value. Jewels, Paintings and Sculptures crafted by this famous artist will leave you with your mouth open. You just have to visit this museum to understand what I am talking about.
2) La Rambla of Barcelona
La Rambla is a huge street located in the central area of Barcelona. It disposes of a huge amount of bars, cafes restaurants and markets that just must be checked. In fact, it contains the famous “Mercado de Boqueria” of Barcelona. You can find all kinds of entertainment in this huge “street market”. You can just spend all day walking up and down this street, looking for hidden treasures and tasting the best of the Spanish cuisine.
It is a really interesting place to visit in Spain.
1) Museo del Prado
The Prado Museum - “El Museo del Prado” is indubitably the number one tourist destination of Spain. It is considered to be one of the best museums of art in the whole world! It is located in the center of Madrid, and contains the most delicate collections of European art, starting from the 12th Century and ending in the 19th.
It is a really big and beautiful place to visit as the art of this exhibition contains works of such masters as Goya, Caravaggio, Fra Angelico, Boticelli y Hieronymus Bosh. In fact, most of the artistic creations were acquired at the like of the Real Family of Spain, so you can imagine the beauty and the wealth of the exhibition!
So, if you are traveling to Spain definitely do not miss the opportunity to visit this museum – one of the best museums of Art.
These in my opinion are the best places to visit when traveling to Spain. And, if you are worrying where you will stay in all them, then there's no problem at this, either.
I hope you don't miss the opportunity to visit these places, you will definitely enjoy them.
Are you considering visiting Spain anywhere soon? If the question is yes and you would like to know the best places of this wonderful country visiting which you will surely enjoy, keep on reading!
It may be very difficult to find the best place for tourism in any city or country when searching yourself, especially if you don't know a lot about the country. But don't worry, precisely for this reason I have created this post - to share with you my experiences in different places of Spain, and inform you of them.
In my opinion, these are the places that you must visit if traveling to Spain:
The real palace of Madrid is the official residence of the Spanish king, although it is only used for celebrating special ceremonies of the state. The palace is partially open to the visitors almost always, and thus it is a great place to visit both when traveling with friends and family.
The king Juan Carlos and the real family do not really live in this palace, but in a more modest one located in Zarzuela, on the countryside of Madrid.
Real Palace has been build between 1738 and 1755, and the Carlos III king that was shortly after his death claimed to be the best Mayor of Madrid lived in it.
The inside of the palace stands out due to it's artistic wealth, both in reference to the noble materials used in the building of it and to the decorations of it's salons with art creations of all kind including paintings of such important artists as Caravaggio, Velázquez and Goya. Other important and outstanding collections that have been conserved within the building are the Real Armery – an exposition of different weapons and armors-, Porcelain, Furniture and Silver Crafts.
4) Ronda
Ronda is located in the countryside of Malaga, 100km West from it, to be exact. It's population is of 35000 people. This small village is located on a huge cliff and has a great bridge that crosses the gorge located between old Ronda and new Ronda. It is an extremely beautiful place to visit, as apart from this huge bridge it also has an antique bull-ring and roman baths.
3) Figueres

This museum of the famous Salvador Dalí artist located in the village of his birth, Figueres, will indubitably surprise you. It is a very beautiful place to visit, and has both an important historical and artistic value. Jewels, Paintings and Sculptures crafted by this famous artist will leave you with your mouth open. You just have to visit this museum to understand what I am talking about.
2) La Rambla of Barcelona
La Rambla is a huge street located in the central area of Barcelona. It disposes of a huge amount of bars, cafes restaurants and markets that just must be checked. In fact, it contains the famous “Mercado de Boqueria” of Barcelona. You can find all kinds of entertainment in this huge “street market”. You can just spend all day walking up and down this street, looking for hidden treasures and tasting the best of the Spanish cuisine.
It is a really interesting place to visit in Spain.
1) Museo del Prado
The Prado Museum - “El Museo del Prado” is indubitably the number one tourist destination of Spain. It is considered to be one of the best museums of art in the whole world! It is located in the center of Madrid, and contains the most delicate collections of European art, starting from the 12th Century and ending in the 19th.
It is a really big and beautiful place to visit as the art of this exhibition contains works of such masters as Goya, Caravaggio, Fra Angelico, Boticelli y Hieronymus Bosh. In fact, most of the artistic creations were acquired at the like of the Real Family of Spain, so you can imagine the beauty and the wealth of the exhibition!
So, if you are traveling to Spain definitely do not miss the opportunity to visit this museum – one of the best museums of Art.
These in my opinion are the best places to visit when traveling to Spain. And, if you are worrying where you will stay in all them, then there's no problem at this, either.
I hope you don't miss the opportunity to visit these places, you will definitely enjoy them.
Thanks beforehand!
1. Toledo. One of the advantages of spending time in Madrid is to be able to take day-trips outside of the city. Toledo's location is spectacular and the view of the city from a Parador nearby is priceless. Don't miss the marzipan if you like that.
2. Avila. A walled city, also a day-trip from Madrid.
3. Santiago de Compostela. I was there many years ago and I remember liking it very much. I'm booked on a transatlantic voyage next month and it docks in Vigo (a city nearby). I've already booked an excursion to visit Santiago again.