Best month for Tauck tour of China

Would appreciate opinion(s) of those who have been on the Tauck tour of China. What month did you go and what were the pros and cons of that time of year. Thanks.


  • We went at the end of September. The weather was perfect everywhere.
  • We went in October perfect time
  • I went in July (on a non-Tauck tour). Beijing was very hot and humid. Not a good time to go.
  • I went in October with my dear (on a non-Tauck tour). It's a good time to go. The weather was great, China is beautiful). Also want to add that for this trip I and my husband used new service for us to buy airline tickets and we were satisfied) We are going to China next year))
  • edited March 2017
    We went the end of September into October and the weather was great. Having said that, I'd never go that time of year again as the first week of October was a National Holiday in China. The Chinese come from all over to visit the sites
    that you'll be seeing. The crowds were unbelievable. Neither our travel agent or Tauck told us about this being a National Holiday that lasted a week. I'd never travel to China during that time period again. I'd also suggest taking the
    3 day cruise as it's a tired ship and there wasn't much to do.
  • edited April 2017
    My husband and I went to China in October 2017 after the China holiday. The weather was great! The trip was amazing with a great tour director. I always check on holidays before we travel. We flew into Hong Kong 2 days early before the tour started so we could take the TurboJet to Macau. Hired a taxi service when we we got off the boat and he took us where we wanted to go and he added more spots for us to see. The next day we took the train and the cable tram to Lantau Island. Had a great time exploring on our own. This was our first Tauck Tour and we were very impressed. We booked a Tauck River Cruise Amsterdam-Budapest in 2018.
  • My family & I visited china with "USA Travel Online" tour provider last year. We enjoyed the tour. Due to less time, we visited some places. I never tried tauck tour. I wish in recent future I will do it.
  • Hello HuntNfun,

    I went to China in late October 2015 to the week before Thanksgiving. The last China tour of that year. It was perfect. I don't care much for warm weather so this was a perfect time for me. The whole of China had cooler weather, but it did get a bit humid when we arrived in Hong Kong. Know that the smog does pick up a bit in the cooler months as people start heating their homes.

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