What to do in Lisbon prior to start of treasures of Spain and Portugal

We are trying to decide whether to go to Lisbon 1 to 2 days early. Any suggestions for day trips from Lisbon prior to start of tour. We are on the September 2018 tour.


  • Joan 1207, If you are into museums, the Calouste Gulbenkian museum is a gem of a place that exhibits an interesting private collection of art, furniture, sculpture, jewelry and more. It is in a lovely setting, close to your hotel. The museum is small, so a visit there will allow you time to see other sites during your stay in Lisbon.
  • Hi Joan, I would encourage you to experience a “Fado” dinner show. Fado is Portuguese Folk Music. The hotel concierge booked it for us and we had a stellar evening. The experience was very “Culturious”.

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