Israel and Jordan

A number of years ago there were problems to enter some Arab countries if you had an Israeli stamp in your passport. Has anyone who has gone on the Tauck trips had such experience? Should we ask the passport control officers to NOT stamp our passports upon arrival into Israel? Thank you.


  • We went to Israel in 2009 on our own and then took the Tauck Egypt and Jordan tour in 2010. Never had any issues. I wouldn't recommend not getting your passport stamped. Upon arrival in Rome a couple years ago, they did not stamp our passports. We were returning from Malta and were detained because there was no record of us entering Europe. Hope this helps.
  • We did the Israel Jordan trip last April. The Israeli passport people did not stamp our passports entering or leaving Israel. Instead they gave us a little "ticket" that said we entered and left. If they do this for you, DO NOT lose that ticket. It is proof you entered legally. When we flew out of Jordan we were asked if we entered via Israel and they asked me for my ticket. I don't know if it is the same procedure now, but it likely is, and for the reason you state. They don't want you to have trouble entering an Arab country.

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