Field of Light Uluru

The Spotlight on Australia tour spends one night at Uluru at Sails in the Desert. The evening is described as champagne and canapes as we watch Uluru change colors during an incredible desert sunset. Since the Field of Light Exhibit has been extended, we are interested in perhaps doing that instead. Has anyone else considered this? Is the Tauck event on property or would we be driving somewhere?


  • The Tauck event in the early evening is worthwhile, but the light show later that night at Uluru was a snore. It is a bus ride from the hotel and not worth the few extra bucks they charge for this. It is dark at the site. Did I say really dark? Can get lost in the dark with the glow of the light around you that does not really light the pathways. I would settle for the brochure pictures or you can probably find a youtube video and you will have seen it all. Better to hang at the hotel after a long day than venture out to this event. This is my personal opinion, but you asked! The only sleeper on a great tour!
  • We took the Spotlight Australia trip in February 2017. In fact you can probably still read our review on the TAUCK website. The Uluru sunset was amazing and not to be missed. Make sure you take a picture a second because when you look at the photos at home you will see a difference on the rocks. Our TD suggested we do this and he was right! Half of our group did not do the light show and that included us. We were happy we didn't as the feedback was as Sandman says. We just relaxed at the hotel and prepared for the next stop - Cairns and the Hot Air Balloon and snorkeling at the reef! Have a great trip. Australia is so amazing!
  • Just to clarify my earlier response, the Champagne and canapés are part of the tour and you should definitely partake and enjoy. I agree with Virginia Travelers suggestion to take a picture a second, as the sun sets so quickly that it is easy to miss the change in colors. Truth be told, we were there when it was somewhat overcast so between lousy sun and much conversation, I think we missed it! The light show is something you go to after you go back to the hotel and then leave again. Stay at the hotel and know you are not missing anything. We found that after late afternoon snacks by Tauck at the rock, we had no time for dinner before the lights and didn't eat till late when we got back to hotel, with only limited choices at that late hour. Again, stay at the hotel and enjoy the rest of the trip. It was really great!

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