Canyonlands 9.28.21

We are from the Bay Area and are excited for the opportunity to enjoy America the Beautiful. We will arrive a day early and also add a day in Las Vegas. Looking forward to meeting our travel companions and sharing an awesome experience.

Howard & Connie


  • My mom, sister and myself are coming from Long Island and DC. Looking forward to it!

  • Any insight on Navajo Nation flightseeing and slot canyons? I have heard that groups over 8 may not be allowed.

  • The cancellation of Tauck's exclusive event along with their valued events, serving too many box meals, staff shortages and significantly reduced service levels coupled with the evolving Covid pandemic, has caused us to reconsider being on Canyonlands later this month. . Regretfully, we now feel that it is no the right for us at this time and we will try to go in 2022.

  • We cancelled our 9/29/21 departure for the same reasons. Hope things are better in 2022!

  • We also cancelled our 9/12/21 trip and rescheduled in 2022.

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