Green Pass Required?

We're traveling at the end of April and not clear if a Green Pass is required to travel on trains. According to Tauck, we should be good without one while traveling with the group (showing our US vaccination certificate) but couldn't tell me for sure if I needed one when I travel from Rome to Venice by train to meet up with the tour.


  • hmm.. I am carrying vaccine card too..

  • It’s my understanding Italy is lifting indoor masking requirements on April 30th. I think the green pass is going away too. You still need to fill out and entry pass that you can find in your travel documents from Tauck. I will tell you it’s confusing. Give yourself time to fill it out. I found it easier to do on my laptop, rather than iPad. You’ll print it as it has a QR code after you upload it. I left the email from The Italian government on my phone too. Have fun on your trip.

  • Does Italy's Passenger Locator Form require an entrant to not only be fully vaccinated, but also test negative within 24 hours of arrival. The certification form is not clear. Does one have to show a negative test result upon entry or does showing being fully vaccinated suffice?

  • The form I filled out had noting about negative COVID tests. Bring your CDC card showing your vaccinated plus booster and you’ll be fine. Check Tauck’s rules too, but Italy is no longer requiring a negative test to enter.

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