Travelling with young children

We had a wonderful time on the Italia Bella tour. We were a family of eight including two little girls who are six and eight years old. The little girls learned so much on this trip. The individual tour directors at each location were able to provide information to all of the adults as well as to the children. Our overall Tauck Director was beyond excellent. The girls loved each of the locations from Rome--one of the favorites was the Vatican and Sistine Chapel. From Florence, the Uffizi Gallery where they saw Leonardo daVinci's art that they recognized from their art classes in school. In Venice, they loved their pirate boat adventure and all of the little alleys. It's a great family trip.


  • What a wonderful family adventure and such a great way to expose the young girls to art, culture and travel. Good for you!

  • Did you have Joseph as your tour director?

  • We started to travel on international trips when my daughter was 7 when at the time we went to Africa on a family trip. R T was Galapagos and then Antarctica and the list grows. We’ve taken one trip a year with her internationally. She’s 30 now and she still speaks about her trips. Personally, It’s better than going to Disneyland. Input a world wall map in her bedroom and we always put a sticker wherever we went. Plus, I buy patches where Weber we are and see them on our safari vest. I can’t travel with that vest anymore, it’s too heavy. I also make family slideshows for our time capsule.

  • Good morning. Just got back yesterday from our Italia Bella trip. We had our 15 year old grandson with us. Our tour guide was Christina. She continually added surprises and she and our whole group were all very pleasant. Everything ran like clockwork(even when a 2 1/2 hour bus ride turned into a 5 hour bus ride due to traffic conditions). The young adults got together in the back of the bus and played cards and games.
    The young travelers on our tour ranged in age from 8-19. Everyone bonded and a great time was had by all.
    It was very hot and there was A LOT of walking. Comfortable footwear and a hand fan are important. Of course be prepared to drink LOTS of water.
    I’m half asleep now but will try and add more later. Be prepared to have an informative and
    Wonderful trip😊😊

  • Wanted to make sure that whoever gets Christina should know that she was GREAT and you are in for a FANTASTIC trip

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