Use of Duffels on Feb 7 A Portrait of India

Does anyone have a clarrification whether:
1. We will need to pack the duffels for the flight to Kerala on Day 11.
2. We will need to live out of the duffel from Day 11 until we arrive in Mumbai five days later.
3. We will be united with our primary luggage in Mumbai on Day 15 or 16.

Taucks December 25th letter states “there will be three occasions …when weight restrictions … will require you to pack an overnight duffel in place of your primary luggage: … and 3. ) on day 11, for your overnights in Kerala (you will be reunited with your primary luggage when in Mumbai on day 16 at your hotel.” The detailed trip itinerary states on page 22 – On-Tour Duffels - there will be two, not three occasions that require use of the duffels, days 3 and 7. There is no mention of the need to use the duffels on day 11 for the flight to Kerala. Also, the detailed tour itinerary states we arrive in Mumbai on Day 15 but the letter states we are reunited with our luggage on Day 16.

Susan and I are looking forward to this tour, our eleventh with Tauck.


  • Answers from Tauck on the above:
    1. YES - We will need to pack the duffels for the flight to Kerala on Day 11.
    2. YES - We will need to live out of the duffel from Day 11 until we arrive in Mumbai five days later.
    3. EITHER DAY 15 OR 16 - We will be united with our primary luggage in Mumbai on Day 15 or 16.

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