Rhine River Cruise June 22 from Amsterdam

Hello! We're taking our first river cruise and are so excited. We're traveling with our 14 yr old son and 12 yr old daughter and are from the Philadelphia area. Looking to see if anyone is traveling with kids of similar ages.


  • edited February 2017
    Hi there, We are from Park City, Utah and this will be our 2nd river cruise. We took the Blue Danube cruise a few years ago and LOVED it. So here we are again. We are going Northbound & it looks like you may be going Southbound. We have a 14 year old son as well. He had a blast. Tauck did a great job of keeping the kids engaged, they have plenty time to bond together, while adults got the best of both family time & adult time.
  • edited February 2017
    Hi! We are from Pittsburgh, PA and are taking our first river cruise and cannot wait. We have a 16 year old son and 14 year old daughter. Glad to hear other children will be on board as well. We are on the northbound cruise as well.
  • Hi! We are on the southbound cruise from Amsterdam to Basel. My wife, June, and 11 year old granddaughter, Riley, are joining me, Bob, for the trip. We'll keep an eye out for the Kinzels and their 12 year old daughter.
  • Hi all! My family is from southwestern Ct and we will be traveling on the southbound trip on the 22. We will be traveling with my children a 13 yr old boy and a 10.5 girl, my 16 year old niece ( who lives in Zurich) and my parents- their grandparents. Unfortunately my husband will not be able to make the trip with us due to work constraints. We are surprising the kids with the trip in the next few weeks and can't wait!
  • Hi! We are also traveling southbound from Amsterdam on June 22. We are from Yosemite, CA (although I was born in Philly and grew up in PA) and have a 13 yr old son and 8 year old daughter. We will be joined by my parents as well. We are looking forward to the cruise and meeting the other families!
  • Hello all! Thank you for your responses. Glad to hear there will be other tweens and teens on board! The kids' backpacks have arrived and we are looking forward to meeting everyone in a few weeks!

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