going on March Trip...anyone else?

Hi Everyone,

I thought I would continue the conversation about this lovely trip. I am traveling with Tauck on the trip that begins March 3, 2017. I am flying in to Hanoi on March 1 and doing a half day city tour that includes some food tasting. Did anyone do a food tasting tour? How did you stomach handle it?

The following day I am off to Hulong Bay for the over night cruise that the forum was raving about.

I would love some feedback from those that have returned from the trip...

1. With the heat and humidity, did you think bottled water was readily available or did any one bring their own treatment system?

2. How are the mosquitoes? My outdoor hiking center thought I should pretreat my clothes before I arrive in SE Asia. I did not do that for my trip to Africa so I thought that was over kill. What did you find?

3. When entering temples did you find that you needed to cover your full legs with a skirt or pants or could I wrap a light shawl around my waist that would fall below my knees?

4. Hairdryers in the rooms?

I would love to hear from anyone taking the trip as well as those that can answer some of my questions.

Happy travels,

Regina raden101@verizon.net

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