April 9, 2017

My husband and I are looking forward to taking this trip in celebration of our 30th wedding anniversary. I have never been to Hawaii and he has not returned since December 1941. He was there as a young boy when Pearl Harbor was bombed. Naturally this will be a most memorable experience for him. Anyone else planning to go on this trip? We arrive Honolulu on April 8 from Atlanta.


  • I will be on the April 9, 2017, tour also. I've been to Hawaii twice but the last time was about 20 years ago and I've never been to the big island or Kauai so I'm really looking forward to seeing and doing all this trip offers . I look forward to meeting you.
  • Look forward to meeting you, as well.
    Marty and Ken Jenkins
    Williamsburg, VA
  • We will be on the April 9 tour as well. Celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary. Looking forward to another fabulous Tauck experience and meeting you all.

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