Flying through Seoul to get to Hanoi....

Will we go through customs in both places? Just want to be prepared when I'm in a sleepy state of mind! Will be on the March 10, 2017 Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand tour.


  • I'm on this trip with my friend Lucille. We will see you at the welcome dinner. Our flights are from NY-JFK via Shanghai. See you next month!
  • PJH1 - you should not have to clear customs or deal with luggage in Seoul if you are simply making a connecting flight. I transited through Seoul airport 4 times going and coming from Vietnam and from Myanmar. Make sure that your luggage is tagged from your home airport through to your final destination of Hanoi (and vice-versa). Because some of my layovers in Seoul were several hours, I had time to explore. It's a large, extremely modern. passenger friendly, high-tech airport. Enjoy Vietnam. I was there 5 years ago, it was a fantastic trip.
  • My best friend and I are flying out of JFK AsianaAirlines thru Seoul arriving late on 3/8 There are 6 of us coming from all over the US - 5 of which all did China/Yangtze river a18 months ago. Look fowrwad to meeting you and Lucille!
  • Looking forward to this trip! Leaving JFK on China Eastern on 3-8-17.

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