Airline-Scandinavian Airlines (SAS)

My husband and I are going on the Scandinavia tour in July and are getting ready to make flight arrangements. We are considering SAS (Scandinavian Airlines). If anyone has flown on this airline, would you please give me your opinion of it? Would you recommend it?


  • When I took the Baltic and St. Petersburg tour a few years ago, I flew SAS. It had the best price. I would recommend it as the service was typical of any other airline.
  • I flew SAS last summer in business class. The flight attendants were very attentive and the food was much better than that served on US carriers. The lie flat bed was reasonably comfortable. And the plane boasted the largest lavatory I've ever seen on an had a window! I would fly them again when headed to Scandinavia.
  • My husband and I are going in July and getting ready to book our flights with Delta. I found Delta to be comparable in price but with less travel time and that is important to us. There is one connection from the States with a layover in Amsterdam for a 1.5 hours.
  • We fly SAS between the US and Sweden quite often. Their business class is great, good service, good food and lovely flat bed seats. If their pricing and schedule works for you go for it!

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