The Sweet Life - Aug 13

Hi - We are booked for the Sweet Life - Rome to Sorrento trip on Aug 13th and wondering if there are other families booked for this same trip? We have 3 kids..a 14 year old boy and 2 girls ages 9 and 11. We are also traveling with my parents and my mother in law. Can't wait!


  • We are also on the Sweet Life trip on 8/13. Traveling with our 3 kids and their grandparents. Our kids are 15 year old girl, 13 year old boy, and 9 year old boy so we may have some things in common. We look forward to meeting you.
  • We are also travelling with kids and a grandparent. We have two boys, 16 and 13. And their grandma is coming too! Can't wait!

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