June 5, 2018 thru June 15, 2018 Southbound Treasures of Med Cruise

Hi, we're Don & Carole P. from Sarasota, Florida. We just put our deposit down on this cruise. Yes, it's quite a ways off but we're thrilled. We have done a Tauck riverboat cruise in the past and found it absolutely perfect. We're looking forward to this journey.

If anyone else has chosen this sailing we'd be delighted to make an acquaintance with you via this forum.

There is a wonderful YouTube video that is about two and one-half minutes long which depicts the vessel and the experience of sailing on a "small ship".


  • Hi Don & Carole I am taking this trip in August. Would love to know what you would recommend for the shore excursions and your overall experience. Hope you had fun.
  • I am also scheduled for the southbound trip starting on 7 August. Any suggestion about shore excursions would be appreciated. Traveling solo on my 8th Tauck trip, so excited about experiencing another fun trip.
  • My husband and I will be on the Southbound trip leaving in September. Like the others, any info on excursions, food, or any other experiences would be appreciated. Enjoy!!

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