BEST OF HAWAII Small Groups April 8, 2018

Hi all... my husband and I took our first Tauck trip last October (Classic Italy Small Groups) and LOVED it so much, that we are doing the Grand Alaska trip this July 2017 with a couple that we met on our Italy trip. Can't wait.
We're now thinking 2018, since things start booking quickly, especially the Small Groups trips. We are about to book the BEST OF HAWAII trip for April 8. There are only 4 departures that are set aside for Small Groups and the Feb trip is already full. Since we have never been to Hawaii, I'm thinking this is the trip to take since it will allow us to see the various Islands, sights and have the experiences we would want anyway, and then head back on our own after this one, to the Island(s) that most impressed us.
Any tips, insight, suggestions would be welcome. I always appreciate what the Tauck travelers have to say. When we were on our Italy trip, several people had taken 9 trips, 12 trips, and more with Tauck. I can see why from our one tour with them.


  • Hi MarilynandGary, We have done 21 tours with Tauck., all over the world. The first was back in 1999 and it was an all island tour of Hawaii. Back then we even went to Molokai. We just booked The Best of Hawaii, small group, on March 28, 2018. We have been to Hawaii many times on our own, but its been a number of years since we were last there. We decide to do it again with Tauck. They take care of everything, as you well know. We are really looking forward to our trip Hope you enjoy yours, as well!!!!
  • We did this small group trip in Feb 2017. It was nothing short of spectacular and we enjoyed every minute of it. We arrived in Honolulu a few days early, rented a car and visited the North and North East Shores. It would also give you time to go to Diamond Head, and visit the Punchbowl Cemetery on foot. If you do drive north, check our Giovanni's Shrimp Truck and Matsumoto's Shave Ice. The optional helicopter on the Big Island was awesome. We flew close to the active volcano and witnessed lava spewing into the sea. We ended this trip on Maui and took two more days to explore the island. We enjoyed the Road to Hana and took a six passenger van down to Hana and returned by helicopter. To get to the airport we did need to rent a car which we did at the resort. Enjoy your trip. Ed and Vicki
  • Any thoughts as to how imperative it is to take a swimming suit if you don't plan to go swimming? I don't have one and probably would not use it again, so would be purchasing it only for this trip, if needed for something like riding the outrigger. If you rode the outrigger, what did you wear? Thank you. Debi
  • allson wrote:
    Any thoughts as to how imperative it is to take a swimming suit if you don't plan to go swimming? I don't have one and probably would not use it again, so would be purchasing it only for this trip, if needed for something like riding the outrigger. If you rode the outrigger, what did you wear? Thank you. Debi

    I did not feel as if I needed to bring a swimming suit. I had one under a pair of shorts and tee shirt for the outrigger, but I never got wet above my knees. I thought that I might need it which is why I wore it, but if I did the outrigger again, I would not wear one. I would definitely ride the outrigger again, because it was exciting.
  • Thank you, Kathy! This is very helpful.

  • Hi all... I'm FINALLY able to get back into this Forum. There have been issues, and I wrote to Tauck about them. Thank you all for your suggestions. I hope anyone going has a fabulous time. We are going in a day early and leaving the last day of the tour. I looked at the trip and it appears there is a lot of down time. Speaking with my husband, he is actually looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the hotel, the weather and the ocean, so the combination of the tour and down time may actually be a blessing. We both need a vacation!!!! We intend on returning, so I think I may pack a lot of what I've read and some of the suggestions here into our next trip. We may sneak one or two things into this one. Already looking at next year .... Aegean Isles? We'll see.
    Regarding the bathing suit.... I would think you wouldn't have to purchase one if you're serious about never using it again. You could probably roll up a pair of jeans or crop pants. I'm taking at least 3-4 pair of crops. I'm going to bring sneakers, but hopefully I'll be able to wear my Birkenstock sandals most of the time.
    Thanks again all.
  • Just a note about Hawaii...we were in Maui in January and the whales were plentiful....the locals say it varies from year to year, and this year they have appeared in abundance. They also say that some give birth late and linger until the calf is able to make the trip back to the feeding grounds, so you might be able to whale watch. Binoculars might be a good idea. While we have not been to the Big Island, we cannot imagine not wanting to be on the beach at the other locations. The snorkeling is excellent and very accessible from beaches. If you are golfers, the courses on Maui are outstanding!
  • Aloha! We were on this trip 14 months ago and each Island has something special to offer. On The Big Island we helicoptered over the lava fields and saw the lava as it was gushing into the sea with explosive force. We also were able to view the whales and their calves. Two of Mother Nature's amazing treats. You will love this tour and there are many surprises in store for you.

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