Blue Lagoon

We'd like to know how much time we will be at the Blue Lagoon. Is there enough time to swim, get massage, or is it rushed? Also,what is included - locker, swim suit rental, towel?


  • I went 2 years ago --- Blue lagoon on the last day? Plenty of time for a dip in the Lagoon as well as wash off (shower first in the dressing room!) As I recall, the towel and locker are included in the price Tauck pays --- but you need your own suit. Our TD recommended taking the plastic shoe back from the boat (again, I'm assuming same ship tour) to put your wet suit in to carry home in your suitcase. We had enough time to shop after a swim/dip before lunch. Do hope I'm describing the same trip you're on. Iceland is wonderful --- loved every minute!
  • Thanks for the details! We are on the Fire & Ice Tour, Soleal, this July. Looking forward immensely!
  • Soleal is a gorgeous ship! You'll love it. If you get to Iceland early, recommend a day trip along the southern shore (where the trip won't go). Gorgeous glacier whose name starts with J (don't ask me to spell it). Several jeep/van tours are (or were) available. have a great time --- absolutely loved my trip!
  • To avoid having to bring home wet bathing suits home, one of our friends, who was on this cruise too, suggested bringing our rattiest suits, and just leaving them. She couldn't remember the timing at the Blue Lagoon, but was sorry she left her credit card on the ship so she couldn't buy anything extra at the Lagoon. We will get to Reykjavik the day before, but won't get to the hotel till around noon, so we might not get to do more than visit the shops/restaurants on Laugavegur Street (hotel is right there) or maybe the Entitlement Exhibition.
  • In case you missed it, there is a prepared sit-down lunch after the time in the Lagoon. So you should have time to have a leisurely dip. Enjoy!!
  • For those of us who may not want to go into the water at Blue Lagoon is there a place to pass the time, shop or have a beverage?
  • For sure there is a cafe, and also gift shop, massage, etc. Check out their web site:, and also look at this great youtube video:

    We are on the July 19 trip, and looking forward to this!
  • Rudys
    Thank you so much for the info, I will check out the web site. I am on the June 27 sailing and looking forward to this trip. I have typically sailed "large ships" and this should be a nice change.

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