Bandhavgarh National Park

A wonderful place to enjoy the flora and fauna while on the game drives. Tigers are possible; we saw one very large male!
And, you will enjoy the blankets and hot water bottles in the morning game drives. We also found that a head covering (rimmed hat, ball cap, or scarf) was good to have to stay warm in the mornings, and minimize the dust. Yes, there is dust to contend with. We had our own face masks though we were also provided with face masks if we wanted them. The dust is from your own vehicle making stops, and the dust catches up with you from the back, or if there is another vehicle in front of you that you are compelled to follow to get to another location. At times you may find your jeep is alone, and other times you will find yourselves crossing paths with other vehicles.

The fauna are active in the early morning, and late evening, so there is much to see. We recommend you have your cameras ready at all times because you never know what you will "run into." Binoculars are also very handy to pin-point animals in the distance. We found it very handy to use the binoculars to locate an animal before we could get a camera lens pointed in the right direction. A camera with a good zoom lens was definitely useful in this jungle.

Finally, remember you are in the jungle. Facilities may not be readily available. We found that carrying a small quantity of toilet paper, small plastic bags, and handy wipes came in really handy.

Remember, this is an ADVENTURE!! Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

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