June 21-29, 2017 Northbound - Castles on the Rhine

The Brady's from outside of Chicago are looking forward to experiencing everything between Basel to Amsterdam. Large multi-generational family taking the trip with two girls (ages 8 & 11) and two boys (ages 9 & 14) who can't wait to meet the other kids on the trip and enjoy their riverboat adventure.


  • Hi there! The Woods from Raleigh, NC are really looking forward to this trip! We will be traveling with grandparents, as well as our daughter (age 13) and our son (age 12). Can't wait!
  • The Rothermels are from Pittsburgh, PA and we are looking forward to meeting everyone as well. We have a 16 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. See you all soon!
  • Hi! We are a multigenerational family of 7 going on the northbound trip starting June 22nd from Basel. Two are from Savannah, GA and the rest live in Orange County, CA. Three teenage boys are in the group (18,16 and 13). See you soon! The Klement Family

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