May 28, 2017 Rendezvous on the Seine

My husband and I are interested in spending another day visiting D-Day sites on June 1 (instead of Etretat and Honfleur). Is anyone interested in sharing a private guide for the day or sharing a rental car and touring on our own?


  • We were in Normandy 2 years ago and did it on our own with another couple. Etratat was one of our favorite days - wonderful WWII movie which is not to be missed. If you are seeing the museum and several of the beaches with Tauck, I recommend doing the day with them - not much to see on the beaches. We were a bit disappointed in Honfleur
  • We did Rendezvous on the Seine in September, 2015. One of the main reasons we chose that trip was because we wanted to go to the Normandy beaches and the American Cemetery. Unfortunately -- the American Cemetery was closed the day we went because there was a power failure which affected security. Tauck arranged for a bus from the next port the following day to take anybody who wanted to go. It worked out really well because -- unless things have changed -- in the original schedule there was really only time to either walk around the cemetery or go to the museum. Because we had already visited the beaches the day before -- and were only returning to the cemetery -- we had time to do both. I would not want to have to choose and wish we had even more time. In Etretat we visited a cheese farm. We did not see the WWII movie. I too was disappointed in Honfleur -- which I found to be extremely touristy. I cannot comment on Jumieges Abbey because we went back to Normandy that day and missed it. Unless you have a particular interest in Jumieges Abbey -- you might want to check into how far in advance you would need to make arrangements to spend a second day on your own -- go with the group to the Normandy beaches and cemetery -- and then decide whether you want to spend another day there. Visiting the American Cemetery was both sobering and unforgettable -- and as I said -- we would have preferred having even more time to spend there.

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