Excursion choice

We are on the Bucharest to Budapest river boat cruise in August. One day we have a choice of 1 out of 3 excursions
1. Carpathian Mountains
2. Transylvaniaa's Bran Castle
3. Targoviste

Does anyone have a suggestion on which one to choose?

Thank you!


  • Hi, I am on the same trip you are and am sure we will get more information about each while on tour to help us decide. Fingers crossed for good weather and smooth waters! Looking forward to meeting you.
  • We leave this week (going in the other direction). I'm hoping to do the Bran Castle trip and will try to report back about it when we return.
  • Hi – We went on this trip (Budapest to Bucharest) last month and had a great time! The details of all 3 trips are explained by the directors before so people can decide which trip appeals to them the most. We chose the half-day Targoviste trip which sounded like the most interesting to us. We toured the royal compound of Vlad the Impaler and then visited the military barraks where the Ceausescus were tried and executed. If you like history, this tour was excellent and I would recommend it.

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