Budapest to Amsterdam September 4, 2017

My husband, Alex, and I will be taking our first riverboat cruise with Tauck on September 4, 2017. We will be staying in Budpest for 2 nights prior to embarkation. Anyone out there doing the same? Looking forward to meeting new people and seeing wonderful sights.


  • edited July 2017
    Yes, my husband Jim and I are arriving the 2nd as well. It is also our first riverboat cruise, and our first Tauck trip. My parents were big Tauck fans. Look forward to meeting you and sharing adventures. We are traveling from San Diego. Chris
  • My wife and I too are first timers on the Sept 4 river cruse. We are from Hickory NC. Looking forward to meeting the group. We too are arriving a day early in Budapest.
  • You will all love the experience. I sailed with Tauck thru Provence in May and it was simply amazing. I am taking my son on the October 2nd Budapest to Amsterdam. Look forward to hearing about it.
  • My wife Carolyn and I are also on the Sept 4th river cruise and are arriving a day early--the 3rd. We're from San Diego and looking forward to meeting new travelers.

  • Are all of you early arrivals also staying at the Boscolo Budapest? Hoping we can share a meal or take in some sights with fellow travelers. Chris
  • I think we're all staying at the Boscolo. Frank
  • To all on this trip. We did Prague to Budapest and just loved it. Budapest was our favorite city on the trip, and the Wacau Valley was just spectacular. Do as much as you can on your free time in Budapest. Great restaurants in Budapest include Pesti Diszno Bisztro and Borkanyaha WineKitchen. Suggest you make reservations before you travel. Easier to change or cancel however many get booked up quickly.
  • My husband and I will be staying at the Boscolo Hotel 2 days prior to embarking on our river cruise.
    We are from Northern California and look forward to meeting all of our fellow travelers.

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