Restaurant Recommendations - Rome, Florence, Venice

Wondering if anybody out there could recommend any exceptional restaurants (lunch or dinner) in Rome, Florence, and Venice. Places that you may have experienced from previous visits to those cities. Thanks.


  • I know that I can't tell you from experience, but I google "best restaurants in _____" and see what Trip Advisor recommends as their top. I have never been disappointed.

  • Thank you.
  • edited May 2017
    The last time we visited we had a wonderful dinner at Mama Gina's in Florence. It is located across the Ponte Vecchio bridge.

    Brad & Jan
  • Just got back 2 weeks ago. Absolutely fabulous trip. We found that the restaurant recommendations from our tour guide were wonderful! Great food and service. She gave us her top choices before we arrived at each place and we made the reservations ourselves or thru the concierge as soon as possible She gave a variety of price ranges and types of food. Have fun!
  • In Rome, we always enjoy Hostaria Romana on Via del Boccaccio. It is a Roman Restaurant on Via del Boccaccio, just off Piazza Barberini. You will need reservations.
    Venice- Trattoria Agli Artisti.
    If time allows, take the bus or taxi from city center Florence to Fiesole to Villa San Michele. for dinner. Reservations needed.
  • Our last anniversary we celebrated in Auckland, at the hippodrome. It was a wonderful idea. This year we are going to be in Rome at this time. If anybody could recommend us a place resembling we would appreciate it
  • For Rome I agree with Queenie1 about the Hosteria Romana, we loved our dinner there. We also love Girarrosto Fiorentino in Rome, it's just down a side street off the Via Veneto (sorry I don't have the exact address). We enjoyed this restaurant so much we ate there twice in one trip.

    For Florence we love Frescobaldi & Bucco Mario for dinner. We also had a great lunch at Golden View Open Bar on Via Del Bardi. It's on the opposite side of the Arno from the Uffizi & has a small balcony at the back of the restaurant with a view of the Ponte Vecchio (great picture spot)

    As for Venice we love The Grand Canal Restaurant at the Hotel Monaco. It's a gorgeous patio right on the Grand Canal with a view that'll knock your socks off. The food was also delish, I want to go back to Venice just to eat there again:)

    Great, now I'm hungry....

    Have a great trip, enjoy every minute!!!

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