Timings for Lucerne Excursion

Hi I was wondering if anyone has done this trip with the Lucerne option at the end and could you give approximate timings. I was going to venture out and look at something in Basel but was not sure when the excursions returned. It states that Option A goes up to Chateau du Haut Koenigsbourg and Option B to Lucerne and Mt Pilatus. I read from one viewer that they had lunch in Lucerne town. At what time did this tour get back to Basel?? Also it mentions both tours get a brief look at Basel. I imagine this is a brief drive through of the town on the way back to the boat from both excursions?? I might be presumptuous with this. Then there is a cocktail function before the captains dinner which I imagine starts at 5Pm. It sounds a bit crammed but maybe someone can let me in on rough timings.. Im going on the April trip next year


  • We did this trip two years ago, but started in Basel. It amounts to a full day trip, left Basel around 10:00 AM and returned around 3:30-4:00 Pm. They gave us money to buy lunch in Lucerne and time to walk around the town. The trip up the mountain took a few hours. Basel is a great town, we spent 1.5 days there before boarding the boat, staying in the Tauck hotel.

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