Norwegian Fjords & Coastal Treasure June 6, 2017

Since this is the inaugural voyage on this route for Tauck, there hasn't been any information in the forum. We have taken several river cruises with Tauck and know the dress code. However, information about the Le Soleal indicates that their passengers usually dress up more for dinner. What are others thinking?


  • I just returned form the British Isles cruise aboard the Le Soleal. The Captain's Welcome and Farewell Dinners saw people dressing up more. We ate in the main dining room every evening and just wore slacks and blouses, nothing fancy. These clothes were basically what I was wearing during the day. I did not notice anyone getting dressed fancy. There is a buffet on the upper deck in which some people preferred because they felt it was more casual.
  • Are there any people from NJ going on this trip westbound, June 11, 2017?

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