December 11th Trip to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand

My husband and I are booked on this trip and wonder if anyone else is going early to see Halong Bay? We are thinking of going a few days early so we can do the 1 night , two day Halong Bay cruise with Orchid. Does anyone have any suggestions or have they used Orchid ? Thank you very much, Sherry & Larry


  • Do a 2D1N in Halong Bay is perfect (Overnight on a junk or Cat Ba island)!
  • We are doing Ha Long Bay in January. We will be on the Paradise Peak. Also spending an extra couple of days in Hanoi. Rounding out our trip with an extra day in Bangkok (we have friends there) and 4 days in Hong Kong (friends again).
  • You can do a day trip to Ninh Binh or overnight in Ninh Binh (better).

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