July 25 Castles on the Rhine northbound

Hi. Just checking in to see what other families will be on the cruise starting July 25th from Basel to Amsterdam. We will be on the cruise with grandparents (from AZ), my husband, me and our 4 kids (two boys aged 13, an 11 year-old boy and a 7 year-old girl). We are traveling from MN. Hoping to get a feel for who else will be on the cruise.


  • edited July 2017
    Hi! We are the Lippards, Ben and Janet, from the DC metro area. We're a family of five: daughter 11, and sons 9 & 7. Looking forward to it!
  • We are really looking forward to the trip! We are from MA and NH and celebrating my parents' anniversary. We are travelling with my parents (grandparents), my brother, sister-in-law and their girls (ages 16 and 14), and myself and my husband and our two boys (ages 14 and 11).
  • Very excited to see the replies from families with kids ages that correspond to my own!
  • Our family of 8 is counting down the days to the trip. Four adults / four kids. Five of us are from the Northern Virginia area including my husband and me, daughter (16), son (14), and nephew (15). We will also be traveling with my parents from South Carolina and another nephew (11). We are looking forward to meeting everyone.
  • Our family of 3, myself, husband and 9 yo daughter will be on this trip. We living in Ohio and this will be our 4th Tauck trip and 2nd river cruise.

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