July 14 Paris to Normandy

Bonjour! My name is Sophie and I am 13 yrs old. I live in Louisville Ky. Looking forward to my trip with my grandparents. I hope to meet many new friends. I understand there many other teens going on this trip. I hope you all will use this forum and introduce yourselves so we will be ahead of the game before we even get to Paris. Look forward to talking to you.


  • Hi, Sophie. Good for you, starting this chat. I am "the grandmother," and am taking my grandson on this trip, but the one that leaves June 29. He is a bit older than you - this is his college graduation present. He and I have travelled with Tauck family vacations before - if you have not, you are in for a treat! He is still in contact with friends he made on a Bridges trip many years ago. I hope lots of other passengers on your sailing answer you because it is such fun to know other people before you even arrive. Hope you have a wonderful adventure!
  • Hi, Sophie, My granddaughter, Cecilia, will be on the trip with me and my husband. She is 12 years old and lives in Charlotte, NC. This is her first trip to France. We will be sure to look for you at the first dinner.
  • Hi Everyone!
    We are so excited to meet you all. Sarah, my daughter, is 14, and is looking forward to her first trip to Paris. :)

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