July 2nd 2017 Alpine Adventure

Hi - Wondering what ages will be going on the July 2nd 2017 Alpine Adventure ... My name is Mary and my husband Frank and Son Dylan (age 15) are going.

Also what do you pack for shoes and clothes. So confused on what to bring with the varying weather. Hiking shoes or just sneakers ok?



  • fmdd2002 wrote:
    Hi - Wondering what ages will be going on the July 2nd 2017 Alpine Adventure ... My name is Mary and my husband Frank and Son Dylan (age 15) are going.

    Also what do you pack for shoes and clothes. So confused on what to bring with the varying weather. Hiking shoes or just sneakers ok?

    Hi Mary: We took this trip in 2014-- all you need are comfortable shoes, not hiking boots. Tennis shoes (or sneakers) work best. A fleece top is a must, and lots of cotton shirts & shorts. You will all love this trip! -Huliegans

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