Luggage limits

Is it possible to do the Essence of Japan -2 weeks- out of ONE 19-21" suitcase each person? And even though there is minor difference between the two sizes-which one worked better for your airlines and the overhead situation?

My last post talked about what to wear-the mention of jacket and tie came from the person at Tauck who responded that it would be necessary if/when we went to French rersturants---but I don't see them on the itinerary --so--a judgement call?! Did anyone bring and never use?

Also, has anyone stayed and gone to Hiroshima/Nikki/Kamakura/Mt Konya/back to places visited on the tour? If so, and it was another week-did you get/use a Japan Rail Pass for 7 days? How did it do? Was it worth it to you - or only for long distances? And did you leave from Osaka vs going back to Tokyo?

My point about the recommendation from Tauck to A. -be comfortable while --B.--packing lightly ---is confusing. Has anyone done it? Suggestions in this area are requested! Many thanks in advance!!

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