Antigua Deck on the La Ponant

Has anyone ever stayed in Cabin # 5 on the Antigua Deck on the La Ponant? I have been told that at least half of the view is obstructed by a lifeboat. Would it be better to stay in # 5 on the upper deck vs a room on the Marie Galante Deck? Your candid thoughts would be appreciated?


  • I haven't been on the Le Ponant but we booked this trip for 2018 and will be staying on the Marie Galante deck. I know that generally speaking, the higher the deck, the better the cabin. The deck plan indicated that cabins on the Antigua deck are not larger than those on Marie Galante. This will be the smallest ship on which we have sailed, so we went with the Marie Galante deck thinking it might be a little more stable ride if we experience any rough waters. For what it is worth, that was my reasoning.
  • Hi Golf guy,
    My husband I took this tour June 2016. We had cabin 22 or 23 (can't recall) on the Marie Galante. It was small but functional. I never saw the cabins on the Antigua deck, so I can't comment on the view. I did see other cabins on the Marie Galante and they all looked identical. What I can tell you is you will not be in the room much. So much more pleasant in the lounges or on deck.
  • edited October 2018
    I just got back from a trip on the Le Ponant. We didn't have a cabin on the top deck but one thing I did notice is that those cabins only had access from the outside of the ship. That is, there appeared to be no interior stairs to those cabins.

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