Anybody on the July 19th Tour?

We are arriving the day, on July 18, 2017, a day before the tour starts using our Gift of Time from Tauck. Anybody else around then? We would like to tour around a bit.


  • Our Gift of Time will be the day after the tour due to flight timing. But we are coming a day early anyhow. I'm guessing we won't be doing much beyond going down the shopping/dining street (Laugavegur) around from our hotel (CenterHotel Thingholt, not the Grand that Tauck is using).
  • We will be arriving on the 17th. Have not investigated yet what there is to do.
  • I'm arrive the day before and staying the day after as well. I'm going to rely on the hotel concierge for sightseeing ideas. I might go to to get some ideas.
  • If anyone wants to meet up ahead of time let me know. I figure we will need to eat lunch/dinner and then we will have breakfast as part of our stay over package.

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