Danube Christmas Market Cruize 12/10/17

Is anyone going on this cruise from Georgia, USA. There are two of us, my self and Elizabeth, going from Milledgeville, Ga leaving out of Atlanta ?
Gloria H.


  • Hi Gloria,
    You are an early riser or more informed on forums than I am! I go by Nan and traveling with my sis, Donna Walker. We are both flying out of Detroit Michigan. First time river cruisers, first time Germany, and first time Christmas markets, not first time travelers to Europe. We are very excited and want to know more about who we are traveling with and what info others have! See u in December!
  • Safe travels from Detroit, to Vienna. I am looking forward to this trip. My friend, Elizabeth and I are going a day early. Our first time with Tauck and on a River cruise also. Like you I have been to Europe previously. I love cold weather and snow, so living in the south, I am looking forward to the weather there. Hope to see you on trip. Looking forward. Gloria
  • Fellow Georgian from Atlanta! This will be the first time that I cruise with Tauck, but not the first Tauck tour. I have never traveled in this part of Europe but am very excited at the prospect! From what I hear, Europe at its finest. I am ready to go!

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