Budapest to Amsterdam Sept 23, 2017

My wife, Betsy, and I (Dallas, TX) are taking the Budapest to Amsterdam cruise on 9/23/2017 with two other couples we've traveled with before with Tauck, Joe & Beth Maxey (Los Angeles), and Bob & Kally Badavas (Boston). Who else will be cruising with us?

Steve Nelson


  • We are also on trip. 3 couples Steve and Nancy, Oregon, Denny and Sally , Washington, and Carol and Scott , Tennessee. Never been on tauck but love small ship cruises. Staying at Tauck recommended hotels both ends of cruise. Will be nice to meet new friends.
  • My wife and I (Toni & Ron) will also be on that cruise. First riverboat with Tauck, however we have been on a number of land trips with Tauck. We are from Idaho. Should be a great time.


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