Grand Australia New Zealand Oct. 9, 2017

We are looking for to share a private tour on Sat. 10/7,and Sun 10/8 to the Great Ocean Road and Phillips Island penguins. We found a wonderful tour operator, but the cost for just the 2 of us is too high. We are hoping to find others to share the expense. You can check out his website The Private Tour Guide. Owner is Simon Greenland. He has great reviews on Trip Advisor.


  • We will be on this trip and would be interested in the private tour.
  • We did not do the Great Road, but we did go to see the Little Penguins with the Little Penguin tour company which has a small 8-person van. We liked that option because all that it does is go to see the penguins - no stops at chocolate factories or wineries. They were great! TIP if you go~book extra with the Park Nature Guides. They'll describe everything and also make sure you're front row seating on the sand:-)

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