August 16, 2017 - Russian Glories-Baltic Treasures

Good Afternoon:
Any fellow travelers booked on the August 16, 2017 Russian Glories-Baltic Treasures starting in Vilnius?

Jerry from California


  • Hi Jerry- my wife and i will be arriving from Sarasota FL on the 15th for our Gift of Time. Are you coming in early, or is anyone else who reads this coming in early? We've got too many ideas and too little time and are wondering if there are any "not to miss" things that anybody knows of. Would love to hear from you. -Stu
  • Hi Stu
    My flight from San Francisco leaves Monday 8/14 with a connection in Frankfurt arriving 2:50p Tues, 8/15.
  • My wife and I also arrive on the 15th. Coming in from Seattle.

  • Hi, I'm Margo from Cleveland and will arrive in the afternoon on the 15th. I am taking a day tour on the 16th of Jewish Vilnius with Jerulita Tours. If interested in joining me I can give you the contact info. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
  • Hello again- the concierge was good enough to make dinner reservations for my wife and I at a restaurant they recommended, Mykolo 4 at 6:30 on the 15th. It's about a 5-10 minute walk along what appears to be a fascinating street, PILIES Street. We thought we could get a taste of local food and architecture at the same time. If anyone wants to join us i expect we'll be in the hotel lobby between 5:30 and 6:00 (depending on flights). Feel free to ring our room in the name of Samet or find us in the lobby If no-one joins us we still look forward to meeting you at the reception. Margo- enjoy your tour, we had booked with a different tour group---maybe we can compare notes on Wed.---Arlene and Stu Samet
  • Hi Stu, I'd love to join you and Arlene for dinner Tuesday evening at Mykolo 4. Great reviews on Trip Adivsor and interesting menu. I like to eat. :-) Thanks for arranging. Margo
  • Margo- Arlene and I are glad you will be joining us. My guess is that it would be most efficient if you and anyone else who wants to join our "Merry Band" to make reservations on your own, either through the concierge or the restaurant.
    Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Stu and Arlene
  • Margo and Stu, we are interested in both dinner and the Jewish tours. Any information you can provide would be appreciated.

    Steve and Michelle
  • Hi Steve and Michelle, I emailed the restaurant (Mykolo4) directly and they confirmed my reservation for dinner and to be seated with Stu and Arlene. There is a reservation form on the restaurant's website, but I had trouble when sending. It kept saying my email address wasn't correct. So, I suggest you contact the restaurant using: and tell them you want to reserve two places and to be seated with the group.

    For the tour on Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. of Jewish Vilnius please contact Daniel Gurevitch: and mention you'd like to join Margo Vinney's tour. The cost is 200 euro (the same for 1-3 people). Following is his recent email to me: "You can add people. 1-3 people the price is the same. You will just share the price. Your guide will be Yulik Gurevitch. Our top guide and the founder of Jerulita. Please let me know if you add more than 2 people so I could arrange a bigger car. 4-6 people tour--300 euro."

    Regards, Margo

  • Margo, we made a dinner reservation and asked to join the Samet group. We also contacted Daniel and expressed our interest in joining you on the tour. Looking forward to meeting.

    Steve and Michelle
  • Hello All
    I'm afraid my flight arrives at about 6:00p so I'm not sure about getting to the hotel in time for dinner, but I would be most interesting in the Jewish tour on Wednesday.
    Regards, Jerry
  • That's great, Jerry. You will need to contact Daniel at because we would need a larger car. I will email him as well but I think it's best if we each confirm individually. Looking forward to meeting you ... Margo
  • Confirmed with Daniel via Email. (I believe cc'ed to you as well) See you Wed. 9a
  • Hello, we are going on the July 9th Baltic Glories trip. We are considering the tour with Jerulita and wonder how you enjoyed it and any other tips you could give us.
    Thanks so much!
    Sherry and Larry
  • We are arriving on August 15th. We are flying in from Phoenix, AZ. Looking forward to the trip!

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