planning for 2018

Was thinking of taking our 13 year old on this trip for a BM gift, as we have done with older grandkids. Problem is we are not 13, nor 40, or even 60 anymore and would like to hear from other grandparents out there how they did on what seems like a challenging adventure. Our other trips have been to the more traditional European cities, but this young man doesn't want to do what his sister or cousins did. Should we take the plunge??


  • Have to reply to my own post. We booked the July 29th trip with our 13 year old grandson and hope we find friends for hm on the trip to particpate in the events that i will only photograph with a long lens! Would appreciate any thoghts from past or future travelers on this Bridges tour. Have done several Tauck tours, but this will be our first Bridge tour.
  • Seem to be the only poster on this trip. Guess there are not as many followers of Bridge trips. If anyone out there has done this trip before, please step up and post a few suggestions from you past experience. Hey British, even you have been silent on this thread!
  • We just returned from this trip with our grandchildren, our son and daughter in law. It was a great trip and not as taxing as the literature might suggest. We are in our early 70's and had no trouble at all, although we didn't do the ropes, wall climb or bike ride . . . plenty of opportunity to take pictures of the action however. Even the white water rafting was taken in stride. No need to be apprehensive unless you have significant physical limitations. One of the grandparents was late 80's and seemed to do alright sitting out the more active portions of the itinerary. You'll have a great time, enjoy!
  • Thanks Stephen, glad you enjoyed your trip and we are looking forward to ours. Think we might pass on what you skipped as well, but sounds like good photo ops, which is what I enjoy. Would like to hear from others as well, but at least I know someone actually read my three desperate posts for information. Sandman
  • I am in mid seventies and traveling with three grandsons on the 13th of July trip. They are 18, and two are 15.
    I expect to do white water rafting, but will avoid ropes and bikes.
    I took three teenage grandsons to Switzerland 8 years ago. I found that I needed a trip that was more active to keep them busy. I am 8 years older, too now. Thus I chose Tauck’s Alpine Adventure. This is my fourth Tauck trip so I know that they will take good care of us.
  • Jane, we are no tour a couple of weeks after you. Traveling with our 13 year old grandson and hoping to find at least one friend to go with him on the adventures that we can't do anymore. It would be ugly to see me on ropes, rock climbing, or even on a mountain bike. Sounds like you have your own group and anxious to see people under 60 on a Tauck tour. This will be our fourth as well and also have confidence that Tauck will make this special and provide me with photo oops and memories. Enjoy your trip.
  • My husband and I and our 13 year old grandson will be joining you on the July 15th trip. We were told that unless we are participating in an activity, he would not be permitted to . We are concerned because the rock climbing and mountain biking are a bit much for us - but if that's what he wants to do and that's the only way he can do it - well the trip is for him so here we go! And everyone else will have fun taking pictures of us!! Really looking forward to meeting everyone. Safe travels
  • My husband and I and our 13 year old grandson will be joining you on the July 15th trip. We were told that unless we are participating in an activity, he would not be permitted to . We are concerned because the rock climbing and mountain biking are a bit much for us - but if that's what he wants to do and that's the only way he can do it - well the trip is for him so here we go! And everyone else will have fun taking pictures of us!! Really looking forward to meeting everyone. Safe travels
  • Rhea, sorry you are going on the 15th tour, as we are gong on the 29th., Would be nice to have another 13 year old to hang with our 13 year old, Not sure where you got the information about your grandson not being able to participate in an activity if you don't. I was planning on our 13 year old finding another teen to participate in activities that we don't or can't do and providing me great photo ops. Too late to do much about this, if this policy is adhered to and doubt I can get in shape in 3 1/2 weeks! Anyone else with experience have any input on this??? Thanks.
  • Getting closer to our July 29 tour. Anyone going? Anyone ever follow this thread? Would be nice to hear from guests that have already done June 2018 trips. Nice, but maybe not! Just asking.

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