How does this Savoring cruise differ from other Rhone cruises?

I've been looking at taking a Rhone River cruises for 2018 and I think that this Savoring France cruise is a combination of the 2017 Taste of France and the 2017 French Waterways (neither of which are offered in 2018). Does anyone have any further insights on this new cruise? I noticed that a few things were missing from those other cruises (e.g. "a gourmet feast at L’Abbaye de Collonges", others?) - what else has changed? What are the "must see" things on the Rhone that I should attend?

Is this Savoring cruise the best choice for a nice 2018 Rhone cruise or should I look at one of the others? It looks like the other 2 choices for the Rhone in 2018 are the 2-week Paris-to-Monte-Carlo and the new Bon Voyage (Bridges) cruise.

Info, guidance, or opinions are welcome!!

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