Grand Australia and New Zealand tour --- 11/13/17

Just booked the above tour, and wanted to see if anyone had recommendations for the two free nights in Sydney. Would have loved to see a concert at the Opera House, but there are either no events those two days (20th/21st), or they are sold out. Also any restaurant reservation suggestions, either in Sydney or anywhere else on the tour?

Thanks in advance for your help.



  • Hi Jim, I was on this tour a couple of years ago. You have the evening of the foodie tour day to take in a performance at the opera house. Quite a few on our tour did this and it was fabulous. Have a great trip.
  • JIm,

    We were on this trip in Feb 2016 and it was fabulous.

    Sydney: Sydney Harbor BridgeClimb was exciting and spectacular views. Cafe Sydney is highly recommended.

    Melbourne: Eau de Vie lounge, Colonial Dinner TramCar, and GoWest Penguin Parade all day trip.

    Te Anau: Redcliff

    Queenstown: Bunker and Fergburger (touristy but fabulous burgers)

    We generally booked restaurants and lounges ahead of time as we found many were quickly booked out. We often made reservations for 4 and asked another couple we connected with to join us.

    Have a great time down under!

  • Thanks for your recommendations folks.... we are going to incorporate them into our trip. That is, IF I survive the flight!!!!
  • Jim,

    My pleasure. To be clearer, when I indicated reservations ahead of time, I meant several months in advance of the trip.



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