
Hi, my name is Vicki Sena and my husband Bill and I are traveling from Cincinnati, for this cruise. I am wondering about what the weather typically is for this time of the year; does anyone know? Looking forward to meeting everyone!


  • edited August 2017
    Hi Vicki. Same name as my spouse! We did Prague to Budapest last June and it was quite hot in the big cities (Prague, Vienna and Budapest) and suggest you search for a good European weather site ( for current and forecasted weather along your route. The parts we did were spectacular. Biggest concern was the water levels ( on the river. Enjoy your cruise. Ed
  • Thanks so much for your response, Ed! I will take your advice. Take care!
  • Try It has great climate information for cities throughout world and can even give you average and extreme information for temperatures, clouds, and precipitation for full year, month, or day. Has Maps to pick location from or you can type it in. Try it out. I found it in preparing for my Budapest to Amsterdam cruise later this year. It was exactly the information I was looking for.

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