Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand Feb. 26, 2018

My husband and I will be on this trip. I read an earlier post of travel lighter, etc. What type of wardrobe do you suggest for this trip? Capris, shorts, dresses, etc.? Anyone else going to be on this tour?


  • We will be arriving in Hanoi Feb 26. Looking forward to the trip and meeting everyone. Working on the clothing and travel bag choices ...Allan R.
  • I reading about the luggage limits, are you taking a carry-on only or checking you bags? My concern are the flights during the tour... Thanks!
  • edited January 2018
    We are bringing on 2 carry-on sized bags We will also each have an 'under the seat' sized personal bag which will be able to be brought on tour bus. Since we have a lay-over in Hong Kong, we will likely check both our larger bags and have minimal stuff in our personal bags. We have scheduled a half day tour of Hong Kong and don't want to worry about carrying a lot of weight.

    We are arriving a couple days early and will have a 2 night junk cruise of Halong Bay.

    I should mention, we will be a part of the tour beginning February 26th.

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