Any time for Spa treatments at Silky Oaks Lodge?

Need some advice from past travelers on this trip. Will be doing this trip end of October and would like to schedule some spa treatments for my wife and I at Silky Oaks. Anyone know when the day ends early and there is time back at the hotel? Don't want to wait till the tour and find the times we need are booked. Thanks in Advance!


  • Silky Oaks is fabulous. On Day 4 we arrived at SO at about 6:15pm. Day 5 was a full day at Great Barrier Reef (depart at 8, return about 5). Day 6 was optional Hot Air Balloon (4:10am departure) and full free day at SO. Time to wash clothes, use the pool, check out the spa, etc. Have fun and hope you have Greg as Tour Director.
  • Thanks, AshvEd. Were you on tour this year? We are doing the hot air balloon, so I imagine we will be back in time to enjoy some spa in the afternoon. Want to be certain so I can book reservations, as our trip is 6 weeks out. Sandman
  • edited September 2017
    We did the tour two years ago. Just returned from South Africa - An Elegant Adventure, and probably the best of the five Tauck trips we have been on. We did not do hot air ballooning however they were out very early and back mid-morning from my recollection.
  • Thanks, AshvEd. Booked spa treatments for afternoon after the hot air balloon ride. From what I hear from you and others, we will be back early enough to nap and enjoy the spa! (I never nap, but getting up before 4 AM, think I will pass out when we return to the hotel!)

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