Canadian Rockies & Glacie v. best of the canadian Rockies

Other than 2 more days and an extra $1,000, is there much of a difference between the 2 tours?


  • We did Canadian Rockies & Glacier and we loved it. If you want to see Glacier and the Rockies while you're in that corner of the world, it's a wonderful trip. But if you're mostly interested in the Canadian Rockies, consider whether you'd want to spend hours in a tour bus getting to and from Glacier. I'd say it depends upon what you're most interested in seeing.

  • I'd choose the tour with Glacier. If you've gone that far, take advantage of everything that is in the area. There is lot to see. I personally think that Glacier National Park offers as much as the Canadian parks.

    We had the most wonderful sunrise from our room in Many Glacier. We were able to see the sun come up gradually until the entire mountain across the lake was a brilliant red. We also walked around the lake when we first arrived and saw deer up close. In the evening bears came down from the mountain. This was more of a national park experience than the Canadian parks which were more upscale and crowded.

    On the way to Glacier you stop at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump where a native American talks about how his ancestors captured the buffalos by running them off cliffs. You have lunch in Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada which is a beautiful hotel in a wonderful location. The longer tour stays in Calgary at the beginning which is a city worth seeing.

  • We did the Rocky and Glacier trip. Liked it a lot, but we are not bus people.

    We are now in Barcelona on the Spain and Portugal small boat trip. Wind Surf a always was spectacular. Food and service on the Wind Surf was really good. Now in El Palace hotel which is spectacular. So is the price of the room service hamburger. So tired we are biting the bullet and eating at the hotel. Just flooded the bathroom, so dinner will be delayed.

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