Side trip to Tasmania?

I'll be taking this trip in the fall of next year. I'd be interested in knowing whether anyone has done a pre-tour visit to Tasmania. If so, what did you do, and how many days did you spend there? Do you recommend it or not? Thanks for your comments.


  • MCD I took this tour two years ago and did stop in Tasmania before the tour started. I flew into Melbourne and had a connection to Hobart. I spent three days and did a couple of Gray line tours. The one out to the Port Arthur Convict prison, was very eye opening and because it takes a while to get there, you see different areas of the island.
    They have a relatively new art museum MONA which has a fabulous setting in a winery on a peninsula on Hobart.
    On Saturdays there is the fun Salamanca market located by the port.
    By my comments, I think you can tell I think this is a very worthwhile stop off.
    As a side note, there is a shuttle bus from the airport to the hotels in Hobart. As for hotels, there are a number of nice ones located at the port at reasonable prices.

  • Thanks, Golly Gee. I recently read "The Tin Ticket" and it was the convict history that intrigued me about Tasmania. Your other suggestions are quite helpful, too.

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