Charleston Savannah - April 18-25, 2018 - dress code ?

This will be our second Tauck tour and we're looking forward to it. We just completed the Canyonlands tour. It was an amazing experience. The trip was very casual, with shorts very acceptable at dinner. I was wondering if anyone who has taken this tour could advise me on the dress code. I have a feeling this trip will not be as casual as our first one. Any information on the dress code or anything else about the tour would be appreciated.

Susan & Neil


  • Just saw your September 2017 question re dress code for Savannah-Charleston tour in April, 2018. Our tour starts on April 25. As you probably know, traditionally the cities in the South are more formal in their dress expectations. I will be packing cotton slacks and a polo shirt or casual dress shirt for my husband for dinners in hotels or better restaurants and plan to wear either pants /capris and a nice blouse /top or a dress or skirt and top with wedge sandals for those evenings. He will have a sport coat also but no tie or work type dress shirts. Probably loafers for my husband. For daytime touring and for casual restaurants I would think that nice bermuda shorts and a polo shirt (open collar) with nice running or casual shoes for men and capris, bermudas, skirt or dress with flats or sandals or nice running shoes for women. While one can see anything these days on tourists, from past experience on Tauck tours in Europe we see guests dressing more carefully. I'd say that Tauck guests should leave any cut offs, jeans with holes, tee shirts with advertising, flip flops, etc. at home. It could be humid and maybe some rain so I'd consider leaving jeans at home unless your last minute weather check shows OK weather. Bring some insect spray with deet and at least one long sleeve blouse/shirt and pair of long pants in case of bugs.
  • Thank you for giving us an idea as what to wear on the Savannah-Charleston tour April 25, 2018. We live in California and the dress is much more casual here than I think it would be in the South. I would think for most of the time "Smart Casual" would be appropriate. We look so forward to seeing this part of our beautiful country.
  • Hi

    I am going on the April 18th trip as a solo traveler, anyone else a solo on this trip? Thanks
  • Scout22 wrote:

    I am going on the April 18th trip as a solo traveler, anyone else a solo on this trip? Thanks

    Dear Scout 22:

    I will attend the October 11 Charleston/Savannah trip as a solo traveler. Can you please share with me the "dress code" for the first and last event dinners and other dinners? I assume that daytime sightseeing is casual neat. Also, any other thoughts on your trip experience would be most appreciated. Thanks very much for your consideration.


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